(English version is below)
酒井 麻生代 Makiyo Sakai
大阪教育大学 教育学部教養学科芸術専攻音楽コース フルート科卒業。
Fernando Brandão氏等からジャズフルートのレッスンを受講。
初のリーダーアルバム「Silver Painting」をリリース。
2017年、17名の女性ジャズミュージシャンで構成されるJazz Lady Projectに参加、キングレコードより「Cinema Lovers」をリリース。
2019年、ピアニスト大森聖子とのデュオユニット LaDew より、全曲オリジナルアルバム「Porte」をリリース。
同年、イタリアの巨匠トリオ「I Magnifici Tre」と共に、ブルーノート東京に出演。彼らとのレコーディングを行い、『Made In Japan』をリリース。
2020年、同郷のピアニスト青木弘武との双頭アルバム「Lullaby Of The Lake」をリリース。
同年、自身を中心とするブラジリアンバンドBanda Feliz、ファン待望のアルバム『Boa Viagem』をリリース。
『Bring the Light』をリリース。
Makiyo Sakai
Flutist. Composer
A native of Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan, flutist and composer Makiyo Sakai started playing the flute at the age of 11.
Her teachers included Yumiko Furuya, Naohiro Yamakoshi and Haruyuki Nakatsukasa.
During her student days, she studied classical music and won awards at various competitions, including the All Japan Student Music Competition and the Biwako International Flute Competition.
In addition to her solo appearances, Ms. Sakai also performs with orchestras.
Ms. Sakai earned her degree in flute performance from Osaka Kyoiku University.
In 2011, she traveled to Boston for a short stay and took jazz flute lessons.
In 2012, she appeared on the NHK program Jazz Live Kobe.
In 2013, she moved her base of activities to Tokyo and studied with jazz musicians Makoto Oka and Gustavo Anacleto before landing her debut recording contract from major Japanese independent label Pony Canyon in 2016 and releasing her first album as a leade「Silver Painting」.
In 2017, Ms. Sakai performed on the album「Cinema Lovers」 by the Jazz Lady Project, a collaboration involving 17 top female Japanese jazz musicians on the King Records label.
2018 saw the release of her 2nd album as a leader on the Pony Canyon label, 「Pictures at An Exhibition」.
In 2019, she released「Porte」, an album of completely original music as part of La Dew, a duo with pianist Seiko Omori.
That same year, she appeared at Blue Note Tokyo with the Italian trio ‘I Magnifici Tre’. The performance was recorded and released as「 Made In Japan」.
In 2020, Ms. Sakai released「Lullaby Of The Lake」, an album she recorded with fellow Shiga Prefecture native pianist Hiromu Aoki.
That same year, Banda Feliz, a Brazilian band led by Ms. Sakai, released「Boa Viagem」.
In 2023, 「Vida」, a duo album with Sadao Watanabe sideman guitarist Marcelo Kimura came out.
In 2024, she released「Bring the Light」 with pianist Phillip Strange.
In addition to giving about 240 live performances a year in Tokyo and the Japanese countryside, Ms. Sakai also performs with artists in a wide range of genres, including Japanese pop and enka, having appeared on television as a support musician for Machiko Watanabe and Akira Fuse, and recorded with Aki Yashiro.
Ms. Sakai is also highly regarded as a composer, and has also written for other artists.